ご注文フォームを進めて、「お届け先の選択/発送方法」を選ぶ項目でご希望の支払い方法に合わせた発送方法をお選びください。 クレジットカードで決済・ご購入頂ければ、ホテルへの配送・海外への配送もご利用が可能になります。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ There are two methods for customers living overseas to purchase TOKYOBOPPER's products. Since the price and local support depend on your purhcase method, so please pick the service that is best for you. 《Overseas shipping》 Option 1) The cheapest method is through the official web shop. Through the official webshop, you will just pay the item price and shipping fee. Our staff will respond to your queries directly. However, our customer support may not be able to support you in your local language, or may use a machine translation. How to order Option 2) You can purchase using a forwading service that ships products overseas. While the service charges a small fee, it provides customer support in English, Chinese and Korean support. How to order 《Delivery to hotel》 If you are visiting Japan and wish for your purchase to be delivered to your hotel, please use credit card to purchase. Please submit your order in advance as the delivery will take 2 to 3 days. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 《送到你的酒店》 如果您想在您入住的酒店收到购买的物品,请使用信用卡并购买。 由于需要2到3天的时间才能交货,请尽早订货。 《海外代购》 1) 有关如何仅以国内价格和海外运费购买的详细信息,请参阅此处。这种方式最便宜。 https://tokyobopper.ocnk.net/page/19 2) 如果您想在日本以国内价格购买,您还可以通过以下转账服务购买商品,并支付少量费用: http://www.tenso.com/en/ 作为国际航运代理机构的Tenso.com将以您的名义收到订单,然后在EMS或其他被保险的国际航运公司直接发送给您之前检查交货的物品是否正确。 在他们的网站上填写会员注册,然后填写交货申请。 *如果您想使用此服务购买,请务必选择“信用卡付款”。